Interview Series - An Introduction

Throughout quarantine I have thought a lot about the people around me, and those far away. People who have had adventurous lives, careers and side hustles, but perhaps no one quite realises what they do or how they did it. To begin with, I wanted to focus on women. As women, we often compare ourselves to each other, but only based on what we see externally. Instagram or Linkedin posts, what others tell us. I want you to be able to hear things straight from the horse’s mouth. But they’re not horses, they’re unicorns.

Sometimes these ideas come to me in the moment and without hesitation, I put it into action. Typical Gemini. Quick! Let’s make this happen before I get distracted by another idea. I contacted a bunch of interesting women, with the proposal of interviewing them about their career, studies and anything else they’d like to talk to me about.

Excitingly, I got instant replies and I can’t wait to get the ball rolling, interview some amazing women and post them for all of you to read.

The general idea is this - to give insight into a variety of women around the world and their career(s). How they got to where they are today, where are they headed, what are some of the positives and challenges to being a women in their respective industries - and how has quarantine life been treating them.

So here goes. Here’s the “Interview” category of this collection of ideas also known as Flamingos at 400m.

x Lucy